What are success rituals? These are the things you do regularly to program your mind and body for success. Over the past 10 years I have listened to and read hundreds of self improvement books and programs. After investing that much time you start to pick up patterns or as Jim Rohn used to say "Success leaves clues." One thing I've noticed is that most of the people who I consider to be highly successful have success rituals they go through every day. This is called success conditioning. Keep in mind these have to be done consistenlty to be effective. Obviously going to the gym once won't give you the results you deserve and these rituals follow the same principle. I encourage you to do one or all of them and track your results. Remember what you track changes.
1. Your Hour of Power-I picked this up from Tony Robbins and his Get the Edge Program (which I highly recommend for everyone). For best results you wake up in the morning and immediately put on your shoes and start walking. Now the first five minutes are what's called breathwalking which really puts your body into a peak state. During this time you are also saying incantations or affirmations to yourself such as "every day in every way I'm feeling stronger and stronger" as you do this you will start to feel really powerful. The next step is 3 minutes of gratitude where you start to thank God for everything and everyone in your life. As Tony says "when you're grateful you're rich!" Basically you are thinking or saying to yourself all the people, feelings, and things you are most grateful for. When I first heard this I thought this sounds too hokey for me but after suspending my need to understand and just doing it I found it has profound results on my life. Next is visualization where you begin to visualize the things you want to happen most in your life. Whatever your goals may be see and feel yourself as if it has already happened. The reason for this is your mind does not know what is real and what isn't. So if you can get yourself to associate that a goal has already happened your mind and body will instantly start to move towards it. Last part of this is incantations and some sort of exercise. You should come up with some phrases that really get your blood pumping. My favorite is a "I am a peak performance mobile millionaire." Another one that I heard from Joseph Mcclendon III "God's love is flowing through in avalanches of abundance." Again I know this sounds crazy but it works. Successful people will do what failures won't---Just try it.
2. Gratefulness Journals-Gratefulness journals have been around forever. It works several ways but the overall premise is to write down 5 to 10 things you are truly grateful for every morning and every night. Now I hear all the time "I don't have anything to be grateful for" Bull. There are a lot of things you are taking for granted if you have nothing to be grateful for. How about the fact you didn't have to live three years in a Nazi Concentration Camp like Viktor Frankly illustrates in his book Man's Search for Meaning? Or that you have running water which almost 1% of the planet doesn't have. How about you have the eyes to read this post. If you look you will find something to be grateful for. If you are really struggling watch this video by Peter Diamandus titled "Abundance is our Future." You can also pick up his book "Abundance." We all know people who have every resource they could possibly need for success and yet they are miserable. The reason is they aren't grateful for what they already have so they get caught up in the never ending cycle of getting more and more without fulfillment. Being grateful is also a fantastic way to get out of fear and worry. Did you know that worrying is simply praying for what you don't want? So instead look around and say thank you for what you have and I'll bet you start getting more of what you want.
3. Journalling-If your life is worth living it is worth recording. At first I didn't care for journalling because I didn't see the long term results that many had talked about. Probably because I didn't ever commit to doing it regularly. Now I understand it is vital. Not only is this a written progression of your life it also gives you the opportunity to record your great ideas. If you aren't regularly writing down your strokes of genius you will never remember them let alone act on them. We are bombarded with so much information these days that having something to record and prioritize your thoughts is very helpful. There are all kinds of different journals from handwritten tablets to apps on the iPad. The very best one is the one you will use so figure out which one works best for you and follow through. Some people like the idea of simply answering a few set questions in their journals such as "What did I learn today?" or "What did I do right today?" Other simply like to recollect and write down their thoughts from the day. I recently heard from a great leadership trainer that she hopes to pass all of her journals (30 years worth) to her children and grandchildren when she dies. Imagine how priceless of a gift that would be to your loved ones.
4. Affirmations-Affirmations work if you put some feeling behind the words you use. The goal with affirmations is to bypass your conscious mind and influence your subconscious mind for success. What this really does is train a portion of your brain called you Recticular Activating System or the RAS. This component of your brain tells your mind what to focus on and what you focus on expands. Think about all the stimulae sitting around you right now. You probably didn't even notice your breathing until I just told you to right? You see without the RAS our brains would become instantly overloaded and shut down. It tells our focus what is important and which direction to go. The best example of the RAS in action is to imagine yourself standing in the concession area of a movie theater. A movie has just been let out and all the people who are coming out are walking right towards you. There are hundreds of people and as you scan their faces you instantly spot your mom walking inside the crowd. How did you do that? Your brain looked through hundreds of pieces of data and instantly found the one thing you were looking for or are familiar with. Same thing with success affirmations. The proper affirmations tell your brain what to focus on thus showing you the path to attaining your desired result. After awhile you don't even have to think about it. It is just automatic Pretty cool huh?
These are just a sample of some of the success rituals I have found. One of the best books you can read about how to influence your mind for success was written by Napoleon Hill called "Think and Grow Rich". It is a classic I have read many times. I hope you found this post helpful and please feel free to share with anyone you think can use this message.
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