Saturday, April 28, 2012

3 Things You Can Learn from Millionaire Real Estate Agent--Josh Roy

Josh Roy is a dear friend of mine and is also in the top 1% of real estate agents in the United States.  He will probably kill me for posting this because he is one of the most humble people I know.  Over the years I have learned a ton from Josh and thought that you deserve to hear the top lessons I have picked up from such a successful guy.

1. Family First Always-Josh is a busy guy.  You don't sell 195 homes in a single year without being busy.  However unlike many of the real estate agents I know who are willing to sacrifice everything in their lives for the good of their careers he won't.  If you aren't in the real estate profession then you may not know that the work in this industry never stops.  Most agents work 10 to 12 hour days 6 to 7 days a week which doesn't leave much time for family and recreation.  Josh doesn't miss his kids' baseball  or basketball games.  He very rarely works a weekend.  Nothing takes the place of his family on his schedule, nothing.  Yeah yeah Josh can probably sell more homes if he would meet people at 8:00 on a Saturday night but he doesn't care.  His wife and kids come first and that's the bottom line. I admire him for this because while I have seen many real estate agents and career driven people look back on their lives and realize they have missed huge events in their family's lives.  These can't be relived.  Josh won't do that.  When his kids are grown they will say "Yeah my dad was always there." That my friend is priceless.

2. Be Learning and Coaching Based-When I first met Josh he approached me after a class I had just taught in his office.  I was teaching about how to generate new business off the telephone.  He asked me if I would like to practice the techniques I taught over the phone with him.  Honestly I attempted to blow him off because I have people come up to me after every class I teach wanting to practice and when the rubber meets the road they don't follow through thus wasting my time.  Josh persisted he was not going to take no for an answer. Persistence pays.  For the next two to three months we practiced almost every work day.  He took what I taught him and implemented it and had great results.  It proved to me that when you look at truly successful people it is not the chosen few but instead the few who chose.  Remember the saying when the student is ready the teacher will appear?  Josh was ready.  He was learning based and coachable.  Coachable to me means that he is willing to do things with out dissecting and questioning it to death.  He just trusts and does what he is told which is why he gets great results.  I have attended thousands of hours of training with Josh and every time we go to seminars he is bright eyed bushy tailed absorbing as much as he can. In fact travelling to these events with Josh is one of my favorite things to do.  If you want to be successful in any endeavor then be learning based and coachable.

3. Connecting is Everything-Are you a sales person?  Do you know why that is a loaded question?  Everyone is in sales.  Now I know you're probably saying "whoa slow down there tiger I'm an accountant or a teacher. I'm no slimy sales person."  Well that's not entirely true.  If you are an accountant you still have to sell your clients or boss on why they should use/hire you.  If you are a teacher you had to sell the district on hiring you and your classroom on why they should listen to you.  You see sales is communication and communication is connecting. Connecting is important. Write this down "the quality of your life is the quality of your communication." When Josh first meets someone who wants to sell their home he understands that he must connect with them first.  What I mean is he must earn their trust and respect.  Ever heard the saying "people don't care how much you know until they know how much you care?"  Well Josh is a master at this.  I have seen him do it countless times with strangers, home sellers, and his team.  He genuinely connects with people so they feel he has their best interests at heart.  Want to know how he is able to do this?  He does genuinely like people and does have their best interests at heart!  People these days have a super sensitive bs detector.  I believe one of the reasons Josh has been able to consistently grow his business 40% year over year in the worst real estate climate many of us have ever seen is because he has the ability to connect.  I encourage you to become a life long learner on the best practices of connecting/communicating.  If you need a role model start with Josh Roy.

Josh will probably kill me for writing this because he is his least favorite subject.  I just felt there are some great lessons to be learned from him that may help someone along their way.  Please feel free to share with anyone you feel can benefit from this message.


  1. When connecting I always try to go back to the first thing that I learned in real estate. Use the FORD system when you meet new people. Ask questions about their (Family, Occupation, Recreation,& Dreams) and you'll have friends for life!

  2. Thats a good point Cole. Thanks for sharing!!!
